About Me

Music is inspirational, haunting, life-changing. I could not live without music. It gives me many ideas. The time has come to share them.

Monday, September 20, 2010

I never find out 'till I'm head over heels

What do you know, two posts in one month. I'm going to try and write here once a week or so. If someone sees that I've fallen behind, feel free to poke me.

Who doesn't know this line? Is there anyone? Bueller? Ok, in case you don't, it's from a song called Head Over Heels by the famous 80's band Tears for Fears, and both this line and song are obviously about love.

There are many different kids of love. The kind that gradually comes over you, the kind that comes and goes, the kind you feel for your family, the kind for your pets...or this one, the one that sneaks up on you. You're going along, minding your business...and then you look at this other person. The one you never considered in a romantic way before, and you realize you're in love with them.

It's quite the surprising yet wonderful feeling.

Monday, September 13, 2010

Who needs a lover when you've got a new best friend?

It's been a while, hasn't it? April 22nd to September 13th. Since this blog isn't about what is happening in my life, I'll skip all that and get back into my musical thoughts.

This song is "Kiss" by the Romanovs, and as far as I can tell, it's about finding a new love. All the passion and emotion that you feel when you fall for someone. When you go from hopeful for the future, to desperately missing the other person, to panic at the thought of losing them, to your emotions threatening to overwhelm you, back to the beginning. This song reflects all of those emotions and comes together in a very deep and profound way.

As for the quote itself, this is one of two ways a person will go when they get this way. They have a new best friend in the person they've fallen for so hard, and that's all that matters. I, however, like to see it as a warning as well.

So many people meet, hook up, and then the entire relationship is based off that initial lust. As time goes by and they get to really know each other, they often find out they're nothing alike with no common interests. The lust fades, and the relationship dissolves. Sometimes this doesn't happen until the couple have a kid, and then it's a whole new dimension of pain and hatred, dragging an innocent into the middle of all of it. This just breaks my heart.

I hear this line from a song that moves me so deeply, and it reminds me of how things should be handled when entering into a relationship. You meet a person, and you become friends. You get to know each other, find common interests, learn each others hopes for the future and dreams. You become best friends that confide in each other above all others, and then you build a romantic relationship off that. Those are the relationships that last, where you see an 80 year old couple still madly in love with each other.

This is what I want in my relationship.