Have you ever been so sure of something, with no doubt, that you went after it mind, body, and soul? Have you ever been in the middle of going after something and then later realized that things changed around you, they weren't what you thought or what they appeared? I have. I bet almost everyone has. The line from this song refers to a romance. You are so totally, madly in love with a person and over time, the relationship changes and eventually dies. You wake up one morning and everything that made you so sure that this person was who you wanted to spend forever with is now gone. It doesn't necessarily need to be linked to love, though. It could be a career, a friend, or any other number of things.
I don't really have anything specific to say with this post. I just like this song quote and can relate to it.
Here's the link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xSZ_B2wjbpc
Hmmm. Very insightful. I think we've all felt that way at one time or another. As far as love goes though, I feel like if love is fostered and nurtured, it's pretty hard to wake up and find things changed. If that's the case, something has been lost and the love has been untended for awhile. To me, that's a very sad thing.